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Your Action, Their Armor.

Israeli families have been slaughtered, villages held hostage, cities across Israel bombed and soldiers massacred. 


Thousands of IDF soldiers and reservists have since been called up to duty. Immediately, Israelis began circulating lists of names of soldiers and the missing, wounded to pray for on social media and informal messages. 


To consolidate efforts of individual lists and social media posts, we have re-launched the Shmira Project. The Shmira Project is a centralized system to match the names* of IDF soldiers, and Israelis who are missing, wounded or in danger with people around the world.

The pairs a participant with an active duty IDF soldier or reservist. 

You, the participant, will commit to doing a mitzvah (good deed) ranging from prayer to Torah learning to charity to simple acts of the merit of your soldier or person in danger. 


The Hebrew word "shmira" (pronounced shmeerah) means "guarding". In modern Hebrew, shmira also means guard duty. We will continue in the ancient practice of pairing physical battle with spiritual battle. 


When the Shmira Project was initially launched during the 2014 Gaza war, the program reached over 70,000 people from 35 countries. Today, leveraging technological advancements, our reach is limitless. 


Join the Shmira Project. Your mitzvah is their armor. It’s guard duty for the rest of us.


*As a security precaution, we are using only the soldier’s first name and his/her mother’s first name.

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